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Crawn Motors operates school buses into the schools in the Burnie and surrounding areas, picking up children in the country areas. As well as morning and afternoon school runs the schools use our services as well, for their excursions during the year.

For a timetable and bus route to Hellyer College, select from the routes listed,

If your child is travelling for the first time on our coaches,  please ring the office on (03)  6435 7288 so that we can notify our drivers to look for our new travellers. Thank you.

2503 to Hellyer College via Yolla

2518 to Hellyer College via Takone

2519 to Hellyer College via Warratah

2516 to Hellyer College via Ridgley

2513 to Hellyer College via Sisters Beach

2520 to Hellyer College via Wynyard

2521 to Hellyer College via East Ridgley

2522 to Hellyer College via West Ridgley
